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Category: Livestock

How to remove pig odors from meat

Piggies do not belong to clean animals, and therefore unpleasant smells from a pig are a completely natural phenomenon. But when you buy meat and it smells unbearable during cooking, this is already abnormal. Most often, such a smell is given by boar meat, which was forgotten or did not consider it necessary to be castrated....

Time for little rabbits to leave the nest

When do the rabbits leave the nest? The moment when the young growth begins to lead an independent lifestyle, it is very important to notice in order to be able to protect the eared from the dangers of the world. When the rabbits leave the nest. At this time, the farmer introduces special nutrition to the little rabbits,...

Diet and nutritional rules of an inseminating bull

The inseminating bull plays the most important role in the planned development of the cattle breeding farm. Feeding an inseminating bull has a number of features. Bull inseminator A balanced diet increases libido, improves sperm quality. The amount of feed depends on the weight of the male, breeding...

When ferrets hibernate

Ferrets, like all domestic animals, have their own structural characteristics. The sleep of these animals is very strong and can last for several hours. How long do ferrets sleep? Sometimes inexperienced owners can get scared because a sleeping predator does not respond to sounds. But fear not: for these pets...

How and how to treat diarrhea in cows

Diarrhea in a cow or goby may indicate a variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as poisoning or infectious diseases. The treatment of the animal will depend on the results of the tests, but when the first signs of diarrhea appear, measures must be taken to prevent...

Foal care

A foal of any breed requires special care, since its immunity has not yet been formed, the pet is susceptible to various infections. It should be said that the most difficult for both the owner and the foal is the first year of life. At this time, you should pay maximum attention to care, feeding...

Causes of pododermatitis in rabbits

Rabbit breeders know that pododermatitis is their most common condition. It is the formation of ulcers on the limbs of animals. The risk group primarily includes young individuals at the age of 3 months, overweight pussies, as well as old...

Why does the bunny repel newborn bunnies

Breeding rabbits has its own characteristics that all novice breeders should know. Some of them concern the behavior of animals and the maternal instinct of females. Novice farmers are often worried about the question of why the rabbit scatters the rabbits immediately after birth. Why does the rabbit repulse...

How to properly feed pigs for lard

Farmers often buy small pigs in order to sell their meat and lard over time. Today, lard is an extremely relevant product, which is not the only thing they do with it: smoked, salted, fried, boiled. In some countries, this product is considered the crown of all dishes, it is eaten very first. But to get...