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Category: Mushrooms

Conditionally Edible Gladysh Mushroom

Gladysh mushroom is a representative of the lamellar fungi of the genus Mlechnik, belonging to the russula family. It is conditionally edible. Conditionally edible mushroom smooth. Botanical characteristics The head of the smooth mushroom grows up to 8-15 cm in diameter. It is thick-fleshed in structure. The shape of the cap...

Description of the mushroom eringi

Eringi mushrooms are known to culinary experts in many countries. By their taste they are compared with boletus mushrooms, and because of their external similarity they are also called "royal oyster mushroom". They are unpretentious when grown at home, do not require complex processing and are highly valued by gourmets. Description of the mushroom Eringi...

Description of the satanic mushroom

Boletus satanic, or satanic mushroom, is often confused with boletus. Eukaryotes are traditionally referred to as inedible, but its consumption in food is a controversial issue: some mushroom pickers and culinary specialists are sure that after careful processing it can still be eaten. Description of the satanic mushroom Appearance of the mushroom...

Harm of parasitic fungi

Parasitic fungi receive the necessary nutrients from living organisms on which they settle. They parasitize not only in forests and gardens, but also in fields, affecting agricultural crops. And some varieties are dangerous to human health. Harm of fungi parasites...

Description of mushrooms of Bashkiria

The favorable temperate continental climate of Bashkiria contributes to the appearance of a large number of mushrooms. Mushrooms of Bashkiria appear in early spring, immediately after the snow melts, which is facilitated by atmospheric precipitation. Description of the mushrooms of Bashkiria Description of the mushroom place Mushroom places of Bashkiria: village...

What edible and inedible mushrooms grow in the Saratov region?

In general, in the Saratov region there are more than 2,000 species of mushrooms. But about 150 species are edible, and only 10-20 are awarded with the attention of mushroom pickers. Other species are poorly understood and therefore people are wary of them. Mushroom places of the Saratov region The best time...

Description of green mushroom

The conditionally edible greenfinch mushroom, or green ryadovka, was named because of its specific color, which remains even after heat treatment. Greenfinch mushrooms are autumn representatives of the mushroom community. They grow in pine, deciduous and mixed forests on sand-rich soils....

Description of semi-white mushroom

There are many types of mushrooms that are used in cooking and medicine. They also include a semi-white mushroom, it is also called yellow boletus. It is often found in coniferous and moist deciduous forests between May and late September. Description of semi-white mushroom Description of mushroom This edible...

Growing porcini mushroom on a windowsill

Boletus, or as they are commonly called - porcini mushrooms, are one of the most delicious. They contain a lot of vitamins, fiber and plant protein. This is a seasonal mushroom that appears only when autumn is warm. However, it is possible to cultivate porcini mushrooms on the windowsill. Growing...

Oyster mushrooms - a detailed description of mushrooms

A large family of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus) belongs to lamellar mushrooms, that is, they have a leg (or stump) and a hat, and they prefer to settle on the ground at the roots of trees. Read more about the mushroom, its features and growing at home - more. Appearance hats oyster mushroom smooth...